ACID in SQL… ?, What is that ?? 😆

2 min readJul 3, 2021


ArtificaLab Co.,Ltd Medium Content

Hello.., nice to see you again.. Today.. we will talk about ACID na khrub.., สวัสดีครับ 😊🙏 ยีนดีต้อนรับจาก ArtificaLab..,😇

(Side Note: We mean ACID properties.. not the real Acid Solution.., just kindly remind.. 😁 )

Okay.., Before we need to understand about the term “Transactions” in Database.. In Simplest Terms, a Transaction refers to a single job or a multiple set of jobs.. that changes the database info moves from one consistent state to another. For example, Sending money to a recipient changes the database account statement from one to another state..

However, when performing these transactions, before, during or after the transaction…, the Database VENDOR must guarantee that such these operations are handled carefully, in compliance with the ACID Properties..

So, what is ACID ??? …, Sounds interesting Right ???

(1) Atomicity => The first one is Atomicity…, which means that all changes are performed as they are only in a single operation… That means, For example, transferring funds from one account to another.., the “Sender” Account must be debited.., while the “Recipient” Account must be credited both… , If the transaction fails.. due to external circumstances…, the transaction must be rolled back.. and return both accounts to the original state.

(2) Consistency => Data must be consistent at all times…, Which means that unless authorized person or Owner allows to do so.., no data should be modified..

(3) Isolation =>which means there is no intermediate state of a transaction to other transactions. Thus, it appears like that the transactions tend to be finalized.. .For example, in transferring funds between sender and receiver case.., Sender will see his money deducted from his account while the Receiver will see the money deposited into his account…. after a successful transaction..

(4) Durability => After this successful transaction.., changes to the database are done.., and cannot be rollback (or undone). In Database terms.., it means changes by Committed Transactions are done Permanently.

Ok.., For Now.., we will stop our content on ACID SQL here.. For more Oracle SQL Developer Courses, pls like and follow our page for new updates & Discounts ^^ especially.. :-)

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